by Knighthawk <>
    This is an option for the MR. STUDD and MIDNIGHT LADY cyber-enhancements.  "The Prick" (also known as the Penis Pin or Cunt Castrator) is a single, telescoping needle, or series of smaller needles that is used during intercourse to inject a drug, poison, or other material into the partner.
    This is a common option among assassins, especially those who prefer to get really close to their targets.  In such a case, a common drug used with this option is Cornary-Cyanide (Shows up as a heart attack 90% of the time, Nearly Impossible to detect, unless the ME knows exactly what to look for.
    Prostitutes also have taken to making frequent use of this option.  Taking their Johns or Janes to bed (or whatever the customer is into) and pumping them full of euphorics.
    This option defeats all cyber-armor enhancements.  This includes but is not limited to skinweaves and subdermal armors.  Resist Torture/Drugs can be used to resist the drug's effects, but the only protection against The Prick is to have your own sexual organ replaced.
    This is considered gray market cyberware, and as such is permissable as long as it is registered.

Cost:  200 eb.
Sugury:  M
HL:  1D6