written by David KNIGHTHAWK Simpson <>

    Ever wondered what it would be like if the gangs of Cybergeneration interacted with your Edgerunners of Cyberpunk.  Well, considering it is only a 7 year difference, the chances that the yogangs of CyberGeneration are something new and out of the blue are as slim as a Beaverbrat being suspected of being a serial murderer.

    I've tried this before, so I know it can work if used correctly.  Example of throwing Juves into your game.  A Nomad, named Mad Mike, was riding into Night City ahead of his pack.  He was to see a local shopkeeper/fixer, who would setup his pack in a trailer park outside the city, for a favor.  After parking his Cyberbike, he began walking to the shop.  On the way, a young street urchin, between the ages of 8 and 11 approached Mad Mike.  (NOTE: Mad Mike really didn't look the "edgerunner" type and had no visible weapons, and wasn't the brauniest guy.)  The unnamed Urchin asked the character for a hand out, and when he recieved the euro that was asked for, he proceeded to pull out a small knife and demand the PC's wallet.  The PC, was obviously not to worried by the young mugger, and gently but firmly assured the youngster that his [knife] was bigger.  When Mad Mike reached the shop, he found the child was actually working for the shopkeeper he was supposed to see.

    Now, this is a good example of using, what can be considered a squatter, as a way to show how desperate some people are in the city (especially to an outsider).  The juvegangs are out there, it's just that not too many of them are stupid enough to take on adults (maybe megaviolents, who would consider it a great challenge).  Most of the yogangs stick to bothering and hanging with other juvegangers.

    A great way to get some juvegangers into your game is to have the younger sibling of a PC turn to a gang (works especially well if the parents are dead or incarcerated).  Also, it wouldn't be too far off to see some nomads taking care of some gogangers or megaviolents.  How about some fixers doing buisness with a MallBrat or Rad?  If you are a rebel group, having an arcorunner to guide you through the sewers of the city might be worth your while (it's good to know where your going in a maze).  I think you are kinda getting the idea by now.

    When using yogangs, remember that it is not time for the Carbon Plague (unless you  are playing 2025 or later).  Use the process in the CYBERGENERATION book to generate your character (or NPC).  And remember, if the character is constantly around REAL edgerunners (all of which will be his age or older), he will be more inclined to try and show off to them.  He or she will try to earn the respect of the members, and in many cases, try to gain the attentions, and affections of the opposite sexed members (even though this might cause a Lolita or Oedipus Rex complex).  This will allow for some great role-playing opportunities.  Take advantage of this.