by Cris <>

'Hrm... women in role playing?' What a weird thought. When I first started out I was the only female gamer in a shop full of nothing but testosterone. It was quite fun, the first role playing game I every really got into. Being the only female was really neat because as a female you could get away with a lot more than the guys. It has always been my experience that with a female character it is always so much easier for her to seduce the captain of an invading army and get the info your group needs to make the right move. The male character just seemed to always turn the poor captain off. And really the worst comment I have ever heard was from a goblin named Yaba; who, when I opened my mouth to speak up, basically for the first time, looked and me and said "Ooo big ugly (human) with breast." I about fell out of my chair laughing and the guys seemed more embarrassed than I was.

A few months later we actually had another female player, then another, and another. And my game masters wife who also gives a select few games actually had an all girls game going for about two months. We climbed the back room and the guys had the front and here I was trying to talk both of the game masters into letting me run back and forth between the two games because I liked both games that were being given. I really liked the girls game but the guys where playing Twilight 2000 and I had to play that game.

Sometimes it is really good to be the only female gamer in a group of guys and other times it is nice to have another female so your not overwhelmed by the testosterone which really tends to happen in Cyberpunk 2020 for some odd reason. But still
Cyberpunk has to be my favor RPG that I have played. and also right now I am currently the only female gamer, and no not all my character are female I actually have three male characters. Scab and Mojo who are both low level fixers and then Ko-jack a netrunner (one who I'm told can't hack it, but he does he best even when the GM makes fun of him)
My main character is a fixer named Mischief who I also play her roommates (Katz a medtech and Cube a techie) there is also Deviant who is a solo and Buzz another techie who is basically a pilot and Rontay a dragon and I couldn't forget Cris my character that has basically be converted for every game I've ever played.

I'm a big fan of group play if you haven't noticed by now. Now the reason I got into RPG's wasn't exactly for the fun it was to get over being shy and the fact that I had bad panic attacks from a recent event that had happen to me before I even thought about playing. I was drug there by my little brother and actually found it very interesting and fun. I play almost every night a week now and on Fridays lately three games. At first I was kind of scared to speak up but you just have to remember when it comes right down to it. It is just a piece of paper that you give live to, and of course even the best games are going to make mistakes sometime Like the small explosion we had in Poland a few months back. *shakes her head* Bad things happened. I'm still just glad I wasn't one of the players that was in that town when it went up.

All in all it's been a trip that I wouldn't have wanted to miss out on and also another fun thing is after the game at like 4am in the morning when you just want to crawl into bed after a long session, but your just too hungry, because the game was so
interesting that you couldn't even munch on chips or pizza because your brain was racing a million miles a minute trying to figure out how to get yourself and your team out of a sticky situation, that you just have to go to the local 24 hour pancake house. It makes really interesting conversation when the two police officers at the next table over hear how you ploted and shot and killed an enemy of yours.