by <Dave KNIGHTHAWK Simpson>

This is just an anthology of methods to kill your favorite enemy.

1.  Get a teeny-bopper make over and a cybersnake mounted in your mouth.  Start flirting with the target, then when he/she kisses you, you stab him/her in the eyes with your cybersnake (or put it down their throat and have it rip their internal organs to shreds).

2.  How many people would REALLY suspect a toy to have gun barrels in it?

3.  Chadiatic-Cyanide...wonderful chemical.  Put flakes of this into someone's drink and watch them keel over.  By the way, you know that this'll show up as a heart attack, and not poisoning?

4.  Old, but efficient, Snipering.  If you are good enough, a single round is all you'll need.

5.  Do number 4 again, sometimes pesky subdermal armor or skinweave gets in the way.

6.  Need to get your target alone?  Impersonate someone he knows and trusts (yeah, this actually means doing RESEARCH and using your head) and lure them into some place deserted, but not TOO suspicious.  Then take him out at close range and make it look like a Booster hit.

7.  Assassins: Remember, take them out CLEANLY.  If you can't do that, make it look like a booster hit.  The more you cover your tracks, the less likely they'll suspect a professional hit.

8.  Death not your style?  Wanna still shut that loud mouth up?  Don't kill him, just put him into a coma.  How it's done is up to you.

9.  Ahhh...the age old art of blowing shit up.  How we missed it.  Lure your tag into a soon to be demolished building, and implode it yourself.  Not only do you kill your target, but you save the Government some money (extra points here).

10.  Another simple method...shoot him.  It's pretty simple, and straight forward, who'd suspect a hired killer?

11.  Wouldn't it be unfortunate for your target to get drunk, go to a rooftop, and fall off?  Watch that first step, it's a doosie!

12.  The mob knew it best, wanna kill someone with no blood or mess? Secure your assignment to a good heavy weight that'll drag him right to the bottom.  Worried he's got gills?  Don't be, put a little dermal-sealent on his head, neck and back and chest.

13.  Wanna send a message to squeelers and accomplish your job?  Cuban neckties are ALWAYS in style.

14.  DIDN'T YOUR MOTHER ALWAYS TELL YOU NOT TO PLAY IN TRAFFIC?  Too bad your target wasn't listenning (best part, it can look like an accident).

15.  O' for the days on the playground, games of tether ball.  But, when you are older, you don't always have time to get a rope, a ball, and a pole.  But a lamp post, some cables, and your lovely bounty...all together they make a great game of tether ball for any big rigs that come by.

16.  You know, many organisms find it hard to breathe with seared lungs.  This is best caused by superheating the air extremely quickly (in other words, you need to create a big fireball).

17.  Your target love animals?  Why not give him or her a pet that's got contact poison!

18.  What's the first thing anyone does when they approach a crime scene that's marked off with police tape? (like a doorway) They grab a handful of tape and tug it out of the way or rip it down. Can you think of a better way to hide the tripwire for a claymore or other bomb in plain site?