Richard's Rejects - Nomad Tribe

    Richard's Rejects is a mobile nation composed primarily of sideshow "exhibits".  Seeking to find a place where they will be away from the prying eyes of "normal" people, they roam the wastes.  To keep the convoy rolling to their final destination, they prefer to work as migrant farmers or laborers, but will do many other assorted jobs, reserving illegal operations for only the most desperate of situations.

Richard: 56 year-old hunchback/male
INT 8 REF  5 TECH  5 ATTR  4 MA   3 BOD 5
Run  9 Leap 2 COOL 8 LUCK 6 EMP 6 Lift 200
Skills: Family +10; Notice +6; Endurance +2; Melee +2; Rifle +2; Drive +2; Basic Tech +6; Wilderness Survival +6; Brawling +2; Athletics +2; Oratory +5; Expert: Agriculture +6; Leadership +3; General Knowledge +3; Operate Heavy Machinery +2
Cyberware: None
Gear: Clothing, Winchester M70 w/ 30 rounds
    Richard is a poet-souled hunchback and serves as the head of Richard's Rejects.  He is fair, though has a tendancy to be long-winded.

Goliath: 7 foot tall Strong Man
INT  5 REF  8 TECH  5 ATTR  4 MA   6 BOD 13
Run 18 Leap 4 COOL 8 LUCK 6 EMP 5 Lift  520
Skills: Family +9; Notice +4; Endurance +4; Melee +3; Rifle +3; Drive +3; Basic Tech +3; Wilderness Survival +4; Brawling +3; Athletics +4; Strength Feat +8; Wrestling +5
Cyberware: None
Gear: Clothing; Farming gear, Sledgehammer
    Goliath was a sideshow strongman.  Notably the tallest, baldest, strongest citizen in Richard's Rejects.

Billy "The Seal Boy"  10-year old boy with flippers
INT  5 REF  5 TECH  3 ATTR  4 MA 4/10 BOD 2
Run 12 Leap 3 COOL 4 LUCK 6 EMP    7 Lift  80
Skills: Family +5; Notice +3; Endurance +3; Brawl +2; Athletics +5; Swimming +10
Cyberware: None
Gear: Clothing, Toys
    Billy was one of the original children to be part of the founding group, he only stands about 2.5-3 feet tall, and only 4.5 feet when upright, but once put into water his size loses meaning as he glides through the water.  Because of the way his hands and feet are shaped, Billy has extreme difficulty manipulating objects.

Tribe size: Nation
Population: 5000 approx.
Troops: 15%
Laborers: 30%
Teachers: 30%

    Richard's Rejects are special, and their stats reflect this.  This is one of the few times that a character can start off with a score exceeding 10 (case in point, Goliath).  Also, the player must decide what the character's defect is( GM determines it's effect).  Because of the defect, and how visible it is, characters cannot have an empathy exceeding 7.  Also, because of the defects, all cyberware-surgical costs are DOUBLED (Cost only, not damage).

NOTE:  If you wanna use psychics, this is a GREAT place to stick em into your game.